Friday, September 27, 2024

Decomposed - Laid To Waste (2021) Compilation


EP 1993 "The Funeral Obsession"

1. At Rest

2. Spawn Of Maternal Cadaver

Demo 1993 "Inscriptions"

3. Lying In State

4. Taste The Dying

5. Inscriptions 

Demo 1991 "Ego Sum Lex Mundi"

6. Burials Part One

7. Dying Diseased

8. Infectious Growth

9. Procession Of The Undertakers

Demo 1990 "Sermons Of Morbidity"

10. Dying Diseased

11. Nuclear Rehabilitation

12. Life Expires

Demo 1995 "Unreleased Demo"       

13. Corners

14. From Another Place

15. Doubt

16. Pre-Destination

British doom/death metal band from London, England.



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SPLINTERED "Parapraxis" 1992 (UK)