Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Alienation Mental - Four Years... ...Time Full Of Brutality (2004) Compilation



Veneration Of Biological Killing Machine 1999

1. The

2. Under Pressure

3. Industrial Poem Of Next Millenium

4. Mental Of Alien Nations

5. Abnormal Idea Get Of Myself

6. Autogrind

7. Big God Raped Souls

8. Corporal Jigsore Quandary

The Restricted Cerebral Capacity 2001

9. The Restricted Cerebral Capacity

10. Blind Alley

11. TV Digger (Remix)

Live Trax 2002

12. Crossed Out From The List Of The Dead

13. The Scathing Feeling Inside Of Me

14. One Of Infinity

Grindcore band from Czech Republic.


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