Saturday, March 2, 2024

Forgotten Silence - Ka Ba Ach (2000)



1. Red Paiom - The Yellow-blue Snake

2. Rostau - The Sandwaves

3. Al Qáhir - In The Marble Halls (Of Fame) IV

4. Saqqára - The Sitting Statue

5. FL2C - The Morning In Cairo

6. Vaset - The Breath Of Tasechetaat

7. Memnon - The Ancient Moaning

8. Ipet Isut - The Sunflames

9. Dendara - In The Deepest Depth, In The Darkest Dark…

10. Idfu - Under The Hor's Wings

11. Syene - The Waterlines

12. As Syuwais - One Step To Another World

Avant-Garde/Progressive Death Metal band from Czechia.



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Eternal Decision - Eternal Decision (1996)