Thursday, February 22, 2024

Krÿstal Sÿnn - American Steel (1991)



1. Society's Child

2. We Are the Ones

3. Time Slips Away

4. Shut the Fuck Up

5. Waiting

6. Hangover Blues

7. Forgotten One

8. Heaven on a Harley

9. Got No Brakes

10. Live Just to Die 04:38

11. New York City Echo

12. American Steel

Heavy/Thrash Metal band from New York, US.

> mail


  1. Hey guys, My name is zakk i am the son of Krystal Synn bassist/Founder J Frye. Unfortunately recently he suffered a major stroke and we are trying too raise money for medical bills. We have a TON of krystal Synn Rarities ,Merch and more and also alot of his peraonally drawn heavy metal and rock art. If anybody would be interested in helping out and buying some Synn collectibles please text me directly at 813/320/5386... Even able too sell stuff signed by the original members if interested, Thanks brothers and sisters horns up!! THIS ONE IS FOR THE SYNNERS We also have the new unreleased double cd for sale with all new tracks


Eternal Decision - Eternal Decision (1996)